Science Technology

The release time of iOS 16 is determined. These old iPhones can’t be updated!

At the beginning of April, Apple announced that the 2022 WWDC (World Developers Conference) will be held in the online virtual environment from June 6 to 10. According to the convention, iOS 16 will be the leading role in this global developer conference.
The release time of iOS 16 is determined. These old iPhones can’t be updated!
At present, Apple has confirmed that it will officially release the iOS 16 system on June 6. This morning, it has announced the latest iOS 16 page and the applicable models.
IOS 16 only supports iPhone 7 and later models, that is, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus and the first generation of iPhone SE will not be available for iOS 16.
According to LeaksApplePro, Apple has decided to remove the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus and iPhone SE from the iOS 16 upgrade list, and these three phones have been able to support iOS 15 since iOS 9, which can be said to be quite long lived. One of the important reasons is that these phones use the A9 processor which was quite good at that time, and also carry 2GB of memory, So you can get updates from Apple for a long time. After all, seven years have passed, and the configuration of the iPhone 6s is still far behind.
However, the functionality of the current iOS is almost the same. There is no special function to be added. More importantly, it needs to be optimized in terms of humanization. For example, it doesn’t matter whether the new generation of systems are upgraded or not. However, the era of the iPhone 6s is too far away. Consumers who want to change their phones can also consider upgrading their iPhones. At present, this generation of mobile phones will have the design of exclamation screen, and the appearance change is quite conspicuous.
In addition, today Minmei Infinite would also like to mention that the system update of the iPhone has always been known for its durability. Due to the powerful performance of Apple’s A-series processor, even after several years of release, it still has good performance, which is also an important reason why Apple has a long update of old devices. The iPhone 6s series and the first generation of iPhone SE were released with iOS 9 system, which can be updated to iOS 15, which also reflects Apple’s emphasis on the use experience of older models.
Since its launch and sale in 2015, the iPhone 6s series has received very high attention and sales worldwide. According to statistics, the cumulative sales of the iPhone 6s series in the world exceeded 120 million units, while the sales of the first generation iPhone SE also exceeded 30 million units. Considering such a large inventory and the excellent performance of the A9 chip, Apple still kept updating these models in the iOS 15 system launched last year.
The release time of iOS 16 is determined. These old iPhones can’t be updated!
Although the iOS system upgrade takes care of the old iPhone models, some new features are only supported by the new iPhone models.
The hardware configuration of Apple’s iPhone 13 series mobile phone launched last year is equipped with A15 processor, which is built with 5nm+technology, and will support the new functions of iOS 16 system. In terms of photography, the iPhone 13 mobile phone is equipped with a 12 million dual-photo AI camera combination at the back, supporting ultra-wide angle, sensor displacement, night view and other functions.
At present, the iPhone 13 has dropped to a new low price. The 128GB version has dropped from 5999 yuan to 5219 yuan. On some e-commerce platforms, the iPhone 13 has dropped to less than 5000 yuan. Interested users can go and have a look.
In addition, external media exposed the interface of iOS 16. From the picture, compared with iOS 15, iOS 16 has no major changes on the whole, but small components have been upgraded accordingly. In the primary menu, users can control more small components and more freely. It’s easy to remind people of OriginOS.
In addition, today’s Minmei Infinite is also worth mentioning that iOS 16 will definitely bring new UI design and new functions as the annual major version update. At present, there are new categories of themes exposed, such as InfoShack for desktop information interaction, Quick Actions for APP convenient operation when the screen is locked, etc.
On Apple APP, reminders, files and email applications will be fine-tuned, and health applications will be completely restructured.
In addition, Apple Classic subscription is added to the music function to serve users who like traditional music. The music recommendation function will also be more intelligent and humanized to meet the needs.
When iOS 16 no longer supports iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, and the first generation of iPhone SE, it also marks that these three phones will “die” and can no longer be used as the main machine. Apple also intends to use this method to eliminate these three “nail users” and let users who are still using these models change machines.
Of course, the above information is mostly explosive information, and the accurate information shall be subject to the official release of Apple.
WWDC in the first half of each year is the “feast” of Apple’s system ecosystem, while the second half is the update of hardware products such as iPhone, iPad and Mac. This is the focus of attention and a great satisfaction for the majority of fruit powder users.
The release time of iOS 16 is determined. These old iPhones can’t be updated!
Finally, Minmei Infinite would also like to say that the system improvement of iOS 16 will not be small, but it is estimated that it will be the same as iOS 15. A concise version will be launched in the early stage, and a certain degree of optimization and addition will be carried out in the future. However, the changes in the UI design in the early stage should not be small, otherwise it is difficult to stimulate users’ desire to update. You should know that the number of user upgrades in the early stage of iOS 15 is really not outstanding, so Apple iPhone should change in the new version.