Science Technology

Intel and Google Cloud develop new data center chips. How about Intel data chip technology?

Recently, according to media reports, Intel has developed a new data center chip with Google Cloud. This new chip is called Mount Evans, which is called “Infrastructure Processing Unit” (IPU) by Google and Intel, and will be sold to companies other than Google.
It is worth mentioning that Intel is not the only manufacturer of infrastructure chips. NVIDIA and Marvell also provide similar but slightly different products.
Intel is one of the few semiconductor companies that both design and manufacture their own chips. For decades, the company has been in a leading position in manufacturing the smallest and fastest computing chip technology, but now it has lost its leading edge to TSMC and Samsung.
Smart bud experts said that as of the latest, Intel and its affiliates have applied for 4 patents directly related to data chips in 126 countries/regions. It is worth noting that the relevant patent applications in this field occurred in 2003, and the above patents are all authorized invention patents. It can be said that the company has a high degree of innovation in the above fields.
According to the technical composition of the company, 21.43% of the company’s patented technology is related to “interconnection or transmission of information or other signals between memory, input/output equipment or central processor”, and 14.29% of the company’s patented technology is related to “access, address or distribution in memory system or architecture installed on the screening device”, 14.29% of the patented technologies are related to “input devices used to transform the data to be processed into a form that can be processed by the computer”.
(Note: The data included in Smart Bud’s global patent database include patents that have been published in 126 countries/regions. Generally speaking, it takes 4 to 18 months for patents to be queried from application to publication)