Science Technology

How can the “nucleic acid pavilion” and “electronic sentry” who are forced to be laid off be re-employed?

When residents in many areas are still searching for ibuprofen and Lianhua Qingwen in pharmacies and online drug purchase platforms, a topic of “Suzhou nucleic acid sampling house turns into a fever diagnosis and treatment station” rushed to the hot search. Such a successful transformation also provides a new solution for the future return of those epidemic prevention products in the chaos.
Is “Yang” inside you?
The sun is shining
Recently, Beijing and other places have ushered in the peak period of COVID-19 infection. It is conceivable that the medical pressure caused by large-scale and concentrated infection has also become the focus of attention of the whole people. While residents in many areas are still searching for ibuprofen and Lianhua Qingwen in pharmacies and online drug purchase platforms, a topic of “Suzhou Nucleic Acid Sampling House turns into a fever diagnosis and treatment station” rushed to the hot search. It was reported that the whole journey from the treatment to the drug delivery was less than 10 minutes, and even medical insurance could be used, which made people cry for the little partner in the next province.
More importantly, the successful transformation of “nucleic acid sampling house into fever diagnosis and treatment station” also provides a new solution for the future return of those epidemic prevention products in the chaos. How to “turn waste into treasure” and make the intelligent equipment that was struggling in the front line of anti-epidemic play its residual heat?
Nucleic acid pavilion with five internal organs
After the implementation of the “new ten rules” for optimizing epidemic prevention and control issued on December 7, the requirements for nucleic acid detection have been further optimized across the country, reducing the scope and frequency of nucleic acid detection, and “nucleic acid detection is carried out for employees in high-risk positions and high-risk areas in accordance with relevant regulations, and other personnel are willing to make full inspection”. There is no doubt that the demand of citizens for nucleic acid detection has dropped sharply, and the original densely distributed nucleic acid collection stations can only retain some points to meet daily needs, so many streets have quickly launched shutdown optimization measures. Among them, some temporary simple house detection points are less difficult to remove and less costly to waste. However, if some intelligent nucleic acid collection workstations that were originally “invested heavily” are idle and abandoned, it is obviously a waste of resources.
I still remember that when many cities in China began to implement normalized nucleic acid detection measures, some large cities began to build 15-minute walking “sampling circles” for nucleic acid detection, and a large number of enterprises took a fancy to the market space of nucleic acid collection stations. In addition to the urgent replacement of production lines by equipment manufacturers such as mobile toilets, security sentries, and kiosks, as well as the entry of door-making enterprises and electric vehicle manufacturers, a large number of Internet of Things enterprises also focused on this cake, It is even regarded as an excellent opportunity to lay out the telemedicine field.
Subsequently, a number of nucleic acid kiosks in smart coats emerged in the market, integrating multiple capabilities such as access control, disinfection and sterilization, temperature control, video monitoring, 5G cloud medical and nursing intelligent connection terminal (5G PDA), to meet the full process services such as identity verification, press disinfection, medical waste treatment, information upload, and data analysis in nucleic acid sampling, and effectively improve the sampling efficiency. At the same time, in order to avoid the risk of medical infection, the workstation is also equipped with fresh air system, cold and warm air conditioning, ultraviolet disinfection and sterilization, etc.
In terms of price, in the results of Baidu’s B2B platform Love Purchase Search “Intelligent Nucleic Acid Collection Station”, the price is basically around 10000 yuan, and some products are as high as 60000 yuan.
In addition, in addition to the smart nucleic acid kiosk with intelligent “buff”, driven by the actual demand, there are also many traditional nucleic acid sampling points to improve management by installing smart cameras, improve efficiency and protect medical personnel by using ID card readers, The “Management Specification for novel coronavirus Nucleic Acid Sampling Cabin” of Wuxi City directly puts forward the hard requirements of “the cabin is equipped with fixed ultraviolet lights, cold and hot air conditioners, cold storage facilities as required, and video monitoring devices”. According to the survey, the price of infrared temperature cameras on the market ranges from 1500 to 8000 yuan, and the average price of the equipment used for ID card scanning is also about 1000 yuan.
In summary, whether it is the original intelligent nucleic acid collection station or the traditional nucleic acid detection point that is gradually upgraded through the installation of various equipment in the later stage, after a period of high-frequency use and run-in, it has generated a certain cost. In addition, many points were added for the convenience of the public at the beginning, which further increased the cost. Now, the needs of citizens have changed, and the nucleic acid collection station can obviously change randomly.
Source: Hubei Headline
First of all, the fever diagnosis and treatment station provides a complete service of diagnosis and treatment, prescription and dispensing, and the communication network must be just needed, while the original functions of the nucleic acid collection station such as ID card information collection, video monitoring, and information upload also need a large bandwidth and stable network environment. Many intelligent nucleic acid kiosks even deploy 5G CPE to realize the rapid wireless access of the collection station, which undoubtedly provides the connection between the fever diagnosis and treatment station and the medical insurance system Identity information upload and other requirements coincide. In addition, the monitoring and early warning of smart cameras can also prevent problems in the process of drug allocation and distribution.
Secondly, there are many positive patients among the citizens who go to the fever diagnosis and treatment station, so the protection of medical staff is also important. Fortunately, the nucleic acid collection station has been equipped with corresponding airtight equipment. More importantly, the fever diagnosis and treatment station set up by the local government can break up the drugs into parts and sell them separately. In the case of resource shortage, the drug allocation can be more scientific to ensure that more citizens can buy the required drugs.
It can be said that some local governments reacted quickly to the needs of the masses, “turning waste into treasure”, and restarted the nucleic acid detection station that might have been dusty to solve the urgent need. Admittedly, there are also voices on the Internet discussing that when the medical run disappears, the hospital returns to the usual order, and the fever diagnosis and treatment station will eventually be retired, but the author believes that this diagnosis and treatment station which is more close to the community and convenient for the people should not be cancelled. The future development trend of COVID-19 epidemic has not been discussed much. For many residents, especially “migrant workers”, going to the hospital is a very high time cost, so this temporary clinic may also play a greater role as a community medical auxiliary product in the future.
Where do robots and electronic sentries go
In addition to the nucleic acid detection station, the electronic sentry can be said to be another sharp tool under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control. Especially during the strict control period in residential areas, office buildings, hotels and other places, the verification of personnel’s identity information, nucleic acid and travel code has become the main means of epidemic prevention. The traditional manual verification is inefficient and error-prone, so since the end of 2021, a number of electronic sentries have quietly taken up their posts and built an intelligent defense line.
The electronic sentry integrates many functions, such as second-generation ID card verification, two-dimensional code recognition, face recognition, body temperature detection, and can report the health code or identity verification record of the passing personnel to the big data platform for epidemic prevention and control. More importantly, the electronic sentry can quickly connect the relevant personnel of the risk site through the scanning record of the confirmed case or the secret receiver, realize the rapid traceability and efficient locking of the secret receiver, and rapidly spread in a period of time, appearing in hotels, office buildings and other densely populated places.
In the later period, with the accelerated spread of the Omegaron variant, Shenzhen, Shanghai and other places have successively issued relevant policies to clearly deploy the use of “place code” and health verification all-in-one machine, which also further promoted the large-scale implementation of such terminals as electronic sentries. At that time, Northeast Securities once said in a research paper that the market increment space brought by the promotion of “Digital Sentinel” in the core scenario was expected to be at least 120 billion. Now, the policy changes make the electronic sentry face the risk of “being laid off”. Can it find a new position like the nucleic acid collection station?
Source: IOT Media
At the same time, it is more noteworthy that the electronic sentinels installed and used in various places have stored and associated many traffic data and personal information due to their epidemic prevention duties, so they cannot be disposed at will.
First of all, the identity verification capability of the electronic sentry still enables it to undertake the responsibility of access control and security. As a device with the functions of face recognition, two-dimensional code recognition and identity document recognition, it can still undertake the work of personnel management at the important checkpoints of the campus, hotel, office building and residential area. At the same time, some enterprises can combine personnel attendance with the time of entering and leaving the office based on the electronic sentry, which is more efficient and accurate. Secondly, some electronic sentries deployed in hotels, hospitals and other public places often appear in the form of mobile robots. Therefore, in the post-epidemic era, they can still play the role of guiding, guiding and even assisting in check-in.
It is worth mentioning that at the time of strong demand for nucleic acid detection and vaccination, terminal equipment such as nucleic acid detection vehicles, nucleic acid sampling robots, traceability labels required in the process of sample transportation and a series of management platforms connected to different systems have also been derived around different scenarios. After the policy update, some products will inevitably complete their historical mission and exit the stage, but more products will also undergo responsibility transformation, Continue to provide new services for citizens.
Write at the end
Admittedly, just as the nucleic acid collection station, electronic sentinel and other products are experiencing the functional changes brought by the policy changes, as citizens, we are also experiencing different tests. I hope you can do your own epidemic prevention squad leader well and stay away from the virus!
reference material:
1. Can the Crazy Growth of Nucleic Acid Collection Station Become a Typical Scene for 5G Applications
2. How much “soup” can Internet of Things enterprises get from the booming nucleic acid kiosk industry
3. The tide fades and millions of electronic sentries are “useless”, IOT Media