Science Technology

TSMC bet on the United States, but the United States is abandoning TSMC

TSMC had previously fully supported the United States and followed the United States to set up factories in the United States. However, the recent news said that Buffett had sold nearly 90% of TSMC’s shares, and the old shareholders such as JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock, Tiger Global Fund have successively sold TSMC’s shares. It can be said that the United States is abandoning TSMC.
TSMC bet on the United States, but the United States is abandoning TSMC. Foreign media:
TSMC had a lot of resistance to setting up factories in the United States. However, under the big stick and carrot policy of the United States, TSMC finally changed its attitude and accelerated the process of building a 5-nanometer factory in the United States. Zhang Zhongmou also said that even if the chip manufacturing cost in the United States rose by 50%, it would also build a chip factory in the United States, not only a 5-nanometer factory, but also a 3-nanometer factory, which shows TSMC’s sincerity.
However, after TSMC accelerated the process of mass production of 5-nanometer factories in the United States, American investment institutions abandoned TSMC one after another, possibly because they were worried about the future of TSMC. With the overcapacity of advanced technology and high costs, American chips have reduced orders. However, the cost of TSMC’s factories in the United States has risen again and American chips are not willing to bear the increased costs, This led to the abandonment of investment institutions concerned about the decline of TSMC’s performance and profits.
The United States also does not give TSMC a return. The United States has promised to give TSMC and Samsung high subsidies for chips to set up factories in the United States. However, the final result shows that nearly 70% of the subsidies are given to chip companies in the United States, such as Intel and Micron. Samsung only gets 13% of the subsidy share, while TSMC only gets 10% of the subsidy share. TSMC expects to spend 40 billion dollars to set up factories in the United States, and the subsidies given by the United States are less than 10% of the investment.
All kinds of bad news have made TSMC in a mess. Now, American investment institutions have sold TSMC’s shares and just gave a meager subsidy. Foreign media believe that the United States is trying to kill the donkey. The impact on TSMC is not limited to these. TSMC may face more uncertain factors in the future.
TSMC bet on the United States, but the United States is abandoning TSMC. Foreign media:
First, TSMC went to the United States to set up factories and shipped more than 300 important technical backbones of TSMC to the United States, which may lead to the loss of key technical talents of TSMC. Second, under the pressure of the United States, both TSMC and Samsung handed in confidential data, which may lead to the loss of technology and talents of TSMC and help Intel improve the process of advanced technology research and development.
This is not without precedent. In the 1990s, Japan’s chip industry once held more than 50% of the global chip market share, but the strong suppression of the United States led to the rapid decline of Japan’s chip industry. Today, Japan’s chip market share in the global market is only about 10%; Japanese lithography enterprises used to dominate the global lithography market. However, under the control of the United States, ASML rose. Japanese lithography now has no advantage in advanced technology, and its market share has dropped to about 40%.
Secondly, Samsung and TSMC set up factories in the United States, which led the development of the chip industry chain in the United States and made up for the shortcomings of the United States. With the upcoming operation of TSMC and Samsung’s factories in the United States, many industry chain enterprises have been established in the United States, so the construction of the advanced technology industry chain in the United States has been completed. At this time, the demand for Samsung and TSMC in the United States has declined.
The United States has always worried that seven American chips have been sold to the OEM manufacturers in Asia, which may affect the security of the chip industry chain in the United States because of the changes in the situation in Asia. Now that this goal has been achieved, they will no longer need TSMC and Samsung, and it is reasonable to treat TSMC in this way.
TSMC bet on the United States, but the United States is abandoning TSMC. Foreign media:
Facts have once again proved that the core technology must be in their own hands, and technology cannot be bought or demanded, and “abandoning CIC America” will not have a good result. The United States has never regarded non-American enterprises as its own people, and it is more to use them. Once used up, it will be abandoned. TSMC and Samsung can be said to have jumped into the fire pit, leading to today’s tragic ending.