Science Technology

The United States announced restrictions on the export of AI software to China: it will promote the process of domestic independent research and development

In the past weekend, the United States really did not stop at all.

According to foreign media reports, the US government will introduce a new “ban” to restrict the export of artificial intelligence software, in an attempt to contain the development of artificial intelligence industries of competitors such as China. It is reported that the regulations will come into effect on Monday (January 6).

What are the specific contents of the ban?

According to the editor, the ban was jointly issued by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) under the U.S. Department of Commerce. When exporting and re-exporting goods to the destination, an export license must be obtained.

The Bureau of Industry and Security has added these commodities to the “Export Control Classification Number” 0Y521 series ECCN. Specifically, it includes the following areas:

1. Provide a graphical user interface that enables users to identify objects (e.g., vehicles, houses, etc.) from geospatial images and point clouds in order to extract positive and negative samples of objects of interest;

2. Reduce pixel variation by performing scaling, color and rotation normalization on positive samples;

3. Train a deep convolutional neural network to detect target objects from positive and negative samples;

4. Use a trained deep convolutional neural network to identify objects in geospatial images by matching the rotation patterns in the positive samples to the rotation patterns of objects in the geospatial images.

Technical note: A point cloud is a collection of data points defined by a given coordinate system. Point clouds are also known as digital surface models.

On the whole, the content of the ban includes common technologies in the field of artificial intelligence such as image recognition, image processing, and deep learning, and the targeted fields are also obvious. Once the ban is implemented, it will have a serious impact on my country, especially industries such as drones, autonomous driving, and security monitoring.

The United States restricts the export of AI software to China? Will promote the process of domestic independent research and development

(Picture from OFweek Electronic Engineering Network)

“Ban” leads to mutual losses and will promote the process of domestic independent research and development

This is not the first time that the United States wants to impose a technological blockade on China.

As early as 2018, the United States “blocked” ZTE, prohibiting American component suppliers from exporting components, software, equipment and other technical products to ZTE, on the grounds that ZTE violated the US export ban on Iran;

In May 2019, under the slogan of “national security”, the United States announced sanctions against Huawei, which caused many technology giants around the world to suspend their cooperation with Huawei. However, such a move also caused Huawei’s partners to suffer. Shortly after the U.S. “hands-on” with Huawei, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said that Chinese-made drones may transmit sensitive user information back to China. Although no names were named, given that nearly 80% of drones in the United States and Canada are produced by DJI, this warning is undoubtedly directed at “DJI”;

In October 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce listed eight well-known technology companies including Hikvision, Dahua, iFlytek, Megvii, SenseTime, Meiya Pico, Yitu Technology, and Yixin Technology. Entity List”.

In addition to the above-mentioned key nodes, the United States has launched “337 investigations” on Chinese technology companies many times in the past, and well-known companies such as Lenovo, Hisense, and TCL have not been spared.

If it is said that before 2020, the United States mainly aimed at the hardware needs of Chinese companies, then the new ban in early 2020 is aimed at the weaker software level of our country.

The United States announced restrictions on the export of AI software to China: it will promote the process of domestic independent research and development

According to the survey report, the scale of my country’s core artificial intelligence industry reached 96 billion yuan in 2019, a year-on-year increase of 40%. The scale of artificial intelligence equity investment is expected to reach 65.2 billion, with a growth rate of up to 45%. In particular, industries that require both hardware equipment and software algorithms, such as smart security, autonomous driving, drones, smart hardware assistants, smart manufacturing, urban brains, and smart medical care, will become popular tracks in the future.

Now that software restrictions are encountered, it is not good news for both China and the United States. The United States’ delusion to curb the development of China’s artificial intelligence industry by restricting exports will also deal a certain blow to its own AI software industry. After all, China’s The huge market has also brought considerable benefits to the US AI software industry.

In the long run, the impact of the “ban” is only temporary. At this stage, the United States is spending all its energy on how to suppress and restrict China. In addition to seeking equal communication opportunities, we should further strengthen the independent research and development of enterprises ability to reduce external technology dependence. When the self-developed technology matures, the US technology blockade will be a joke.