
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology defines the environmental protection service life and controls the pollution of electronic products

Recently, in order to help electronic information product manufacturers determine the environmental service life of their products, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued the “General Principles for Environmental Service Life of Electronic Information Products” (hereinafter referred to as “General Principles”). Once released, the “General Principles” immediately attracted high attention from the industry. As a supporting standard of the “Management Measures for Pollution Control of Electronic Information Products”, although it is a guiding technical document standard, it is of great significance to standardize industry pollution control work and help consumers understand the environmental protection service life of products. In a timely manner,
Standardize the age identification and do a good job in electronic pollution control
At present, with the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, electronic products begin to play an increasingly important role in people’s lives. Due to the needs of technology and product functions, some electronic information products currently contain toxic and harmful substances or elements such as lead, mercury, cadmium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, etc.
In order to prevent products containing these substances or elements from being used or overused beyond their environmentally friendly service life, causing leakage or variation of toxic and harmful substances or elements, polluting the environment, or causing damage to consumers’ personal and property, the division of responsibilities after environmental accidents involving electronic information products should be carried out, promoting the timely entry of electronic information products into the recycling system after scrapping, and further standardizing the identification of electronic information products, According to the relevant requirements of the “Management Measures for Pollution Control of Electronic Information Products”, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued the “General Principles for the Environmental Protection and Service Life of Electronic Information Products”.
Gao Zhenjie, an investigator from the Resource Comprehensive Utilization Division of the Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, told China Electronic News, “For enterprises, the general rule is to let them determine the environmental protection service life of products through unified standards and methods. The purpose of formulating the general rule is to help enterprises determine the environmental protection service life of products and further improve the pollution control signs of electronic information products.”.
It is understood that the General Principles are used in conjunction with the requirements for pollution control identification of electronic information products. Previously, the time indicated on the pollution control label of electronic information products was determined by the enterprise itself. Different enterprises adopt different identification methods, resulting in different identification years of similar products and lack of scientific and accurate, which has troubled the green development and management of the industry.
Gao Zhenjie told reporters that as early as 2004, in order to cooperate with the implementation of the Administrative Measures for Pollution Control of Electronic Information Products, a relevant standard working group had been established. The members included not only the government, industry authorities, industry associations, testing and certification institutions, but also more than 100 backbone enterprises in the industry, such as Lianxiang and Nokia. With regard to the General Principles, participating enterprises are looking forward to standardizing the marking of the environmental protection service life of the industry.
Coverage will also be expanded to temporarily exclude TV
The General Rules for the Environmental Protection Service Life of Electronic Information Products is applicable to electronic information products sold in China and within the adjustment scope of the Administrative Measures for Pollution Control of Electronic Information Products, and the content of toxic and harmful substances or elements exceeds the limit requirements specified in SJ/T11363-2006. The General Principles are not applicable to products that do not contain toxic and harmful substances or elements and do not need to determine the environmental protection service life.
At present, the products covered by the General Principles include: electronic radar products, electronic communication products, radio and television products, computer products, household electronic products, electronic measuring instrument products, special electronic products, electronic components products, electronic application products, and electronic materials products.
Among them, the environmental service life of telecommunications network equipment is 50 years, that of a single phone is 10 years, that of a fax machine is 10 years, that of a communication navigation vehicle is 8 years, that of a mobile phone is 20 years (that of a mobile communication terminal is 5 years), that of a network camera is 10 years, that of a CRT display is 8 years, that of a digital camera is 10 years, that of a digital camera is 10 years, that of a printing device is 15 years, that of a digital storage and playback product is 10 years, that of a memory module is 10 years, that of a switching power supply is 10.
It is worth noting that this general rule does not include televisions. Relevant experts said that the average environmental service life of some electronic information products was jointly formulated by more than 100 industry representatives from the Working Group on Pollution Control Standards for Electronic Information Products, which basically reflects the environmental service life of the listed products. Current technical level. However, there are still some products whose environmentally friendly service lives cannot be agreed upon within the group or whose members are not sufficiently representative, so they are not included.
In addition, because the general rule is a guiding technical document, neither a mandatory standard nor a recommended standard, it is difficult for the standard group to list the environmental protection service life of all electronic information products one by one. Therefore, the environmental protection service life of the products listed above is only for the reference of relevant enterprises as the content of “table lookup method”.https://www.stoneitech.com/
Provide protection for the interests of consumers
It is reported that this general rule is a guiding technical document for the industry and does not serve as a basis for judging whether the environmental protection service life of the enterprise logo is correct or not. However, according to general rules or other methods, determine and label the environmental service life of corresponding products. If the actual environmental service life of the product exceeds, the producer or importer shall bear corresponding legal liabilities.
According to the “Administrative Measures for Pollution Control of Electronic Information Products”, electronic information product producers and importers should use non-toxic, harmless, biodegradable, and recyclable materials for pollution control in accordance with national or industrial standards. When making and using packaging for electronic information products, if there are toxic or harmful substances or elements in the electronic information product, the name of the packaging material should be marked or indicated in the product manual.
The deeper significance also lies in providing consumers with clear environmental protection tips after the introduction of the General Principles and the unified identification of pollution control for enterprise electronic information products, so that consumers can understand it at a glance. The environmentally friendly service life of the purchased product is. After the environmentally friendly service life is exceeded, timely handle the household appliances. “Creating a safe and reliable consumption environment for consumers, making electronic information products safe and environmentally friendly, and effectively improving consumers’ living standards are the ultimate goal of formulating the general principles,” Gao Zhenjie said.