Science Technology

The estimated net profit loss of Zhengtong Electronics in 2022 is 380 million to 480 million yuan

Recently, ZTE released the annual performance forecast for 2022. The net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies during the reporting period was 380 million yuan – 480 million yuan, which was from profit to loss compared with the same period of the previous year; The loss of basic earnings per share is 0.62 yuan/share – 0.78 yuan/share.
The estimated net profit loss of Zhengtong Electronics in 2022 is 380 million to 480 million yuan
Zheng Tong Electronics is a modern high-tech enterprise whose business involves IDC, cloud computing, financial technology and other fields. It has clearly put forward the strategic positioning of “a digital service provider with IDC infrastructure, cloud computing and intelligent terminals as its characteristics”, and has the ability to provide customers with integrated integrated solutions such as research and development, production, sales and service.
According to the performance forecast of China Securities Communications, the main reason for the change of the company’s performance in 2022 is the decrease of operating income and gross profit margin, and the increase of credit and asset impairment.
During the reporting period, the company’s expected operating income is lower than that of the previous year. On the one hand, based on the changes in the overall market environment, the company strengthened the screening and risk control of lighting engineering projects, and further contracted the scale of lighting engineering business; On the other hand, the cloud computing business is affected by the epidemic, the government and enterprises reduce or cancel part of the project budget, part of the project bidding is delayed, and the project signing and revenue recognition progress is not as expected.
The company has taken various measures to strengthen customer collection. Due to the repeated impact of the overall economic environment and the epidemic situation, some government and enterprise customers of engineering business and financial technology business have serious credit overdue problems due to financial stress or deterioration of business conditions, resulting in delayed or abnormal collection. According to the provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the Company’s accounting policies, the Company, based on the principle of prudence, expects to make provision for credit impairment of about 320 million yuan during the reporting period, and the final data will be determined after the audit by the audit institution.
Due to the repeated impact of the overall economic environment and epidemic situation, the company has conducted a preliminary impairment test on relevant assets with signs of impairment (depreciation) during the reporting period in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the company’s accounting policies, taking into account the actual situation of market changes, inventory flows and investment projects. It is estimated that the amount of asset impairment reserves accrued during the reporting period is about 90 million yuan, The final data will be determined after the audit by the audit agency.
Zheng Tong Electronics and Huawei signed the OpenHarmony Ecological Enabling Cooperation Agreement
On January 9, China Unicom Electronics and Huawei signed the OpenHarmony ecological enabling cooperation agreement to jointly promote the prosperity and development of the OpenHarmony ecosystem.
At present, Zhengtong Electronics is a member unit of the OpenHarmony Working Committee of the Open Atomic Foundation, a member unit of the Ecological Committee, and a vice chairman unit of the Financial Payment Special Committee. These achievements have benefited from the company’s consistent focus on technology research and development, the innovative application of financial technology in the industry, and efforts to create value for customers. ZTE Electronics is the first in the industry to carry out financial application scenario construction based on OpenHarmony, and has made the first agricultural benefit and agricultural aid terminal equipment ZT8669 in the financial industry.
In addition, the OpenHarmony system is applied to the ZT925 device, and a password keyboard payment kit with distributed capability is developed, forming a digital terminal group with operating system as the center and multiple forms of financial terminals. Supported by the company’s IDC basic platform, it carries the existing privacy computing platform and financial Internet of Things platform to provide characteristic financial digital services.
Through this cooperation, ZTE will continue to improve the OpenHarmony upgrade of existing financial terminal products based on the leading edge of scenario-based products in the financial industry, relying on the OpenHarmony ecological enabling service provided by Huawei, build a product matrix based on OpenHarmony, deeply explore the industry needs, actively explore the application of OpenHarmony distributed soft bus technology in the financial industry, and form new industry solutions, Continuously create value for customers