Science Technology

“The 8th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award” unveiled

There are not only senior academicians in their 80s, but also outstanding workers who have quietly studied and achieved outstanding achievements in AI theory and application; Here are not only middle-aged technological backbones who have the courage to shoulder heavy burdens and strive in basic and cutting-edge fields, but also technological professionals who strive to excel in the tide of technological innovation and entrepreneurship; Of course, there are still some people here who haven’t won awards, but they are all unsung heroes.
Li Deyi, an academician of the CAE Member and president of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, summed up the grand occasion of the “8th Wu Wenjun Award Ceremony for Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology and 2018 China Artificial Intelligence Industry Annual Conference” held in Suzhou on December 9.
This year is the eighth session of the “Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award”, with a total of 70 project achievements winning the highest award of China’s Intelligent Science and Technology Award.
During this period, Lu Ruqian, a researcher of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an academician of the CAS Member, and Lu Ruqian won the first “Wu Wenjun’s highest achievement award in artificial intelligence” in China, to affirm his systematic innovation achievements in knowledge engineering, especially in automatic animation generation in the whole process, expert system development environment, automatic software generation, children Turing test, knowledge piece Many internationally recognized and innovative leading achievements have been achieved in the characterization of large knowledge features.
Meanwhile, Dr. Wang Haifeng, Senior Vice President of Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd., won the first “Wu Wenjun Award for Outstanding Contribution to Artificial Intelligence”.
In his acceptance speech, Wang Haifeng shared two points of view, pointing out the direction for AI people and AI development in China.
First, stick to the right path and reap the rewards ahead.
Secondly, the development of AI is ultimately to serve people.
Dr. Wang Haifeng believes, “While continuing to strengthen AI basic technology research, we need to bring top technologies out of the laboratory, truly implement them into products and solutions, empower various fields of social economy, enable AI to fully exert its driving force, and promote technological revolution and industrial transformation.”
Stick to the right path and reap ahead
As a pioneer and pioneer in the field of AI in China, Academician Lu Ruqian reviewed the path AI has taken in the field of knowledge engineering in China at the award ceremony, and also heartfelt summarized and reflected on the development process of AI in China so far.
“Of course, there are many things worth adhering to and further developing from our previous experience, but science is progressing and the times are developing, especially in recent years, where AI technology has developed rapidly. I deeply feel that I have fallen behind in many aspects.” Academician Lu Ruqian admitted.
If divided by AI development, it can be divided into three stages: symbolic intelligence, statistical intelligence, and deep intelligence. The relationship between the new stage and the original stage is not a replacement of the original, but the continuous integration of new and old technologies.
Lu Ruqian believes, “Personally, I started out in the era of symbolic intelligence and waited in the era of statistical intelligence, but I fell far behind in the era of deep intelligence. Now I am working hard to keep up with the pace of the times.”
Dr. Wang Haifeng also stated that from university to work, he has always focused on research and practical applications of technology such as machine translation, natural language processing, and speech, and has never left the field of AI. “He said, ‘This is the right path for me, satisfying my interest in science and technology, as well as my ideal of technology benefiting humanity.'”
He said that over the years, there have been stagnant frustrations, high and low levels of helplessness, and more importantly, the joy of using research results for the public, as well as the ensuing recognition. “So, I say stick to the right path and reap the rewards ahead,” Dr. Wang Haifeng said.
Regarding the development of AI over the past 20 years, Zhang Xueli, Deputy Director of the China Academy of Information and Communications, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, believes that “driven by the capabilities of the Internet, cloud computing, big data, and chip software, we have entered the next stage of AI development.”
Currently, AI has become a national strategy. For example, relevant national departments have formulated and issued strategies and plans such as the “Internet Plus” AI. Three Year Action Implementation Plan, the “New Generation AI Development Plan,” the “Three Year Action Plan for Cloud Computing Development (2017-2019), and the” AI Innovation Action Plan for Universities “.
At the same time, 16 provinces and cities across the country have issued relevant AI strategic plans, indicating the direction for China’s AI development from a policy perspective, from the national to local levels.
In addition, AI also requires corresponding application scenarios. Zhang Xueli pointed out that at present, China is constantly enriching its application scenarios in various industries such as intelligent robots, telecommunications, finance, security, driving, education, medical treatment, search, and the purpose is to serve people.
The ultimate goal of AI development is to serve people
The AI industry cannot land without a foothold scenario.
Dr. Wang Haifeng pointed out, “Human development has now gone through three technological revolutions. The first was called the human revolution into the era of mechanization; the second was called the era of electrification; and the third was information technology. We are very fortunate now that we are at the beginning of the fourth technological revolution of mankind.”
The core driving force of the fourth technological revolution is AI, so countries around the world attach great importance to AI. In order to seize the opportunity of this new round of technological and industrial revolution, it is necessary to promote deep integration with economic and social development, in order to promote the healthy development of the new generation of AI.
“Currently, in the process of deep integration of AI with various industries, there are both opportunities and challenges.” Dr. Wang Haifeng believes that in order to truly apply AI to all industries and help them solve problems, it is necessary to integrate with scenarios, create ecosystems, collect data, and develop different standards.
“The entire society and each of us have a correct understanding and expectation of AI, and we cannot be too high or afraid. Only in this way can we better embrace AI. We work together to use AI technology to make our future more beautiful.” Dr. Wang Haifeng said.
In terms of application scenarios, Academician Li Deyi took the automotive industry as an example, and in response to the current international trend of declining autonomous driving, he believed that the most disruptive technology in the 21st century should be autonomous driving, which involves almost all black technologies related to AI. It not only has computational cognition, but also can remember cognition, as well as interactive cognition. Therefore, it cannot be achieved overnight and requires long-term accumulation and practice.
Automobile is not only a model of lean management in the industrial revolution, but also represents the strength of a country’s intelligent manufacturing, including large-scale production and lean management. Now, we need to add modular customization, namely data driven control and learning, to bring technological services to future travel.
“We use these three magic weapons to form a wheeled robot that can drive, learn, interact, have personality, and understand.” Academician Li Deyi said that if such wheeled robots become a foothold in the automotive industry, the landing of autonomous driving will not be far away.
However, with the continuous development and progress of AI, it is inevitable that human work will be replaced by machines.
In his sharing, Wen Hao, Vice President of Chongqing Zhongke Yuncong Technology Co., Ltd., quoted a famous quote from Kasparov, who lost to Dark Blue 20 years ago: “AI will replace some people’s jobs. This trend cannot be reversed, but machines can help humans lead a more creative and joyful spiritual life.”
Nowadays, the AI tide is surging forward, imperceptibly affecting all aspects of our lives and work, and it can be said that no one is immune. However, only by adhering to the right path, embracing AI bravely, making full use of AI as an intelligent tool, and constantly moving towards practicality and serving the public can we truly promote the healthy development of AI.
In the future, people and AI will jointly create a better life