Science Technology

The 270 billion yuan went to the United States to set up a factory or a big failure. TSMC finally woke up. Foreign media: showdown

TSMC can be said to be fully committed to supporting American chips, not only building 5-nanometer technology in the United States, but also building 3-nanometer technology in the United States. It is estimated that the total investment will be as high as 40 billion dollars, equivalent to more than 270 billion yuan. However, TSMC’s full efforts have not received corresponding returns, which makes TSMC start to reflect.
The 270 billion yuan went to the United States to set up a factory or a big failure. TSMC finally woke up. Foreign media: showdown
1、 TSMC’s failure to set up a factory in the United States
Last year, 10 TSMC chartered aircrafts shipped Taiwan’s equipment and more than 300 technical backbones to the United States, speeding up the mass production of 5-nanometer factories in the United States; At the same time, TSMC also recruited skilled workers in the United States on a large scale, providing a large number of high-paying employment opportunities for the United States. The information disclosed at that time indicated that the salaries of the American skilled workers recruited by TSMC were higher than those of the 300 technical backbones.
However, in the promotion of the 5-nanometer factory, TSMC found that American workers were unwilling to work overtime, and even more unwilling to work night shifts. As a result, the 300 Taiwanese technical backbone could only be used as ordinary technical workers, but their income was lower than that of the American technical workers, which led to a lot of complaints among the technical backbone.
TSMC went all out to set up factories in the United States, but the result was that American chips kept cutting orders. Intel abandoned TSMC’s 3-nanometer technology, Qualcomm, AMD, NVIDIA and other companies cut orders. Recently, Apple also cut orders for 120000 wafers due to the decline in the sales of iPhone14. They also asked TSMC to reduce the OEM price, which made TSMC very depressed.
Recently, the United States announced the distribution results of chip subsidies. Intel and Micron shared more than 60% of the share. The American chip finally got more than 70% of the share. Samsung also got 13% of the share. TSMC only got 10% of the share. TSMC received about $3.9 billion of subsidies, less than 10% of its investment in the United States
The 270 billion yuan went to the United States to set up a factory or a big failure. TSMC finally woke up. Foreign media: showdown
On the other hand, TSMC went to the United States to set up factories, which led to a sharp increase of 50% in the cost of chip OEM, while the United States gave too little subsidies, and the United States chip was unwilling to bear the rising cost, all of which showed that the introduction of TSMC to set up factories in the United States was a big failure.
2、 TSMC woke up
In the face of the attitude of the United States, the unwillingness of American chips to bear the rising costs, and the many difficulties faced by setting up factories in the United States, TSMC finally realized that the United States did not regard TSMC TV as its own. The United States just wanted to empty the talents and technology of TSMC, and supported the local enterprise Intel of the United States.
As a result, TSMC has rapidly changed its attitude to mass produce 3 nanometers in Taiwan, and the 3 nanometers factory in the United States is expected to be mass produced as soon as 2025; At the same time, TSMC has built a 2nm factory in Taiwan, which is expected to be mass produced in 2025, indicating that the focus of the introduction of TSMC is still in Asia. TSMC founder Zhang Zhongmou also said that the United States does not need to develop advanced technology, as long as it supports TSMC.
TSMC also expanded its Nanjing factory in Chinese Mainland on a large scale. The investment in the 28 nanometer process production line of the Nanjing factory reached 2.8 billion US dollars. TSMC’s move was to win chip orders from Chinese Mainland. Foreign media said that TSMC had a showdown. TSMC tried to control its own destiny by shifting its focus back to the Asian market.
The change of TSMC’s attitude is no doubt that it has learned a lesson from setting up factories in the United States. After all, it is difficult to rely on the United States for a way out. The United States will not give it a chance. The key to mastering its own destiny is to hold its core technology in its own hands. The United States just wants to empty TSMC by giving carrots.
The 270 billion yuan went to the United States to set up a factory or a big failure. TSMC finally woke up. Foreign media: showdown
The experience of TSMC reminds Chinese chips that advanced technology cannot be bought, and the core technology must be in their own hands. Otherwise, even powerful companies like TSMC can not escape the control of the United States and become the fish and meat of others. The development of Chinese chips in recent years also shows that Chinese chips have started to rise and made great achievements, and the dependence on overseas chips has gradually declined, making American chips feel the pain of losing the Chinese market.