Science Technology

LoRa application case | Where is the technology based on LoRa? Create unbounded position management system and intelligent biological capsule in vivo

The application needs of location services are increasingly diversified: while meeting the needs of location management, health, alarm, voice, information transmission and other functions need to be added. However, the positioning mode superimposes multiple functional applications, resulting in increased power consumption of the product. At the same time, with the customer’s demand for customization, the requirements for data security and network privacy are also increasing, and higher requirements for local deployment and establishment of private communication networks are also put forward.
SemtechLoRa ® It has unique advantages in long distance, low power consumption and easy deployment. It not only helps to solve the problem of high power consumption caused by functional overlay and traditional communication methods, but also helps customers meet the challenges of data security and confidentiality.
Shenzhen Zaina Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Zaina Technology”) focuses on location-based services and AI health information systems, and has been engaged in product research and development related to LoRa technology since 2016. Based on LoRa and LoRaWAN ®, Zaina Technology has launched an unbounded AI location management system suitable for complex positioning needs, as well as an intelligent in-body biological capsule for animal husbandry management.
Boundless location management system, intelligent guard every journey
Gobi, desert and snowy mountains have become the preferred places for outdoor exploration of donkey friends at present. However, behind the beautiful scenery, there are often hidden crises. In outdoor exploration sites not covered by communication signals, once the travel team is in danger, it is difficult for rescue workers to quickly locate and rescue through mobile phone signals.
The “Little Spider Silk” unbounded location scheme of Zaina Technology uses LoRa technology to realize the communication unbounded connection. Even in places without operator signals, it can also realize the functions of distress, location service, remote chat, etc. “Little Spider Silk” has two positioning methods, point-to-point and point-to-base station, to meet the needs of different use scenarios.
Spider silk
Small spider silk can support the functions of alarm, location service and chat
Peer-to-peer instant messaging solutions:
By connecting Semtech LoRa+GPS+Bluetooth technology to an ad hoc network, it can achieve accurate positioning and maintain contact even in an environment with poor or no signal at all, and can also upload location information to all other devices through one-click alarm, which is extremely suitable for groups to use in outdoor scenes without operator networks.
Point-to-base station centralized management solution:
All devices communicate with the base station through LoRa. The platform can grasp the location information of each device in real time, receive the equipment distress signal and location information, so as to achieve a wider range of location management.
The point-to-point base station centralized management solution is very suitable for the centralized management of tourists in tourist attractions. Taking Kuangshan Tourist Attraction in Fujian Province of China as an example, the area is densely covered with mountains and rivers, and the terrain is steep. There are also problems such as insufficient network signal coverage and lagging tourist management and service capabilities. In order to better improve the security of the scenic spot, Kuangshan scenic spot has adopted the LoRa-based “Little Spider Silk” positioning system to deploy a private network for intelligent management of the whole area. The management personnel of the scenic spot can clearly grasp the real-time location information of all the people in the area through the platform, and tourists can freely use the functions of text communication and location sharing without the operator network.
Intelligent internal biological capsule, enabling the intelligent transformation of animal husbandry industry
Guided by the “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan” for the development of the national animal husbandry industry, China’s animal husbandry is moving steadily towards the development goal of “improving the level of industry information management” as the core. “Digitalization”, “intelligence” and “informatization” have become the key to the current transformation of China’s animal husbandry industry.
In response to the current challenges of China’s animal husbandry industry, such as the wide distribution and large number of animal herds, the Semtech LoRa-based intelligent in vivo biological capsule was launched to help the development of intelligent animal husbandry. The intelligent in-vivo biological capsule integrates a variety of sensors to support long-distance and long-term application requirements, with a service life of up to five years. At the same time, it can simplify network deployment and manage hundreds of livestock through a central gateway, which is very suitable for the long-term monitoring of livestock health information in large farms.
The intelligent capsule inside the body can enable the breeder to grasp the real-time physiological data of each animal in real time, and timely warn and manage the animals with diseases and estrus to avoid economic losses.
Built-in intelligent capsule
Based on the use of LoRa’s communication base station, Internet of Things technology and AI algorithm, Zaina Technology has launched an intelligent integrated management platform for livestock industry. First, the intelligent capsule uses the built-in sensor to obtain various physiological data of animal husbandry, such as temperature, momentum monitoring and PH value monitoring to be added in the future. Then, based on Semtech LoRa, the original data collected is returned to the platform, and AI big data analysis is used to realize intelligent management of animal husbandry health and breeding.
Animal health management system
Yang Zhen, founder of technology there, said: “Semtech LoRa has the characteristics of long distance, low power consumption and easy deployment, which is very suitable for the application requirements in the fields of location positioning, asset positioning and intelligent animal husbandry management. In that area, technology has focused on the location service of the Internet of Things for many years, and has made comprehensive deployment and application. In the future, we will continue to cooperate with Semtech, targeting smart cities, smart real estate, smart parks, smart animal husbandry, smart infrastructure and other fields, aiming at personnel management and security Many applications, such as supervision, material management and health management, have launched more innovative solutions. ”
Huang Xudong, vice president of sales in Semtech China, said: “The unbounded position management system and intelligent in-body biological capsule launched by Zaina Technology based on LoRa fully reflect the technical advantages of LoRa technology such as long distance, low power consumption, easy deployment and strong anti-interference ability, as well as the application characteristics of ‘self-organization, security and controllability’. We look forward to working with ecological partners to provide efficient and convenient solutions for more users in different fields and industries.”
About Semtech LoRa:
Semtech’s LoRa chip-to-cloud platform is a widely used long-distance, low-power Internet of Things application solution in the world. It supports the rapid development and deployment of IoT networks, gateways, sensors, modules and IoT services with long coverage distance, ultra-low power consumption and high cost performance in the world. Semtech’s LoRa technology is LoRaWAN ® The protocol provides the communication layer, and the LoRaWAN protocol is provided by the LoRa Alliance ® maintain. LoRa Alliance? It is an open alliance of the Internet of Things industry for low-power wide area network (LPWAN) applications. Its members have deployed Internet of Things networks in more than 173 countries and regions. Semtech is one of the founding members of the LoRa Alliance, connecting IoT end users and LoRaWAN network operators around the world.