Science Technology

Feixi Science and Technology released innovative products, adhered to the innovative route of humanized technology, and created a more comprehensive platform product line

On January 31, Feixi Technology officially unveiled its “Flexiverse 2023 New Product Launch”. Feixi has brought new products: the world’s first adaptive parallel robot, a new generation of universal force control grippers, and Qiongzhi AI system. At the same time, Feixi Technology also comprehensively expounded the concept, typical applications, industry standards, and Feixi ecology of anthropomorphic technology at the press conference.
“We will maintain our original intention to enable robots to do more repetitive, boring, and harmful work through technological innovation, and work towards Feixi’s vision of ‘people-oriented technology, making work more creative, and making life happier.'” Wang Shiquan, co founder and CEO of Feixi Technology, said at the press conference. This vision and goal also permeates the new product launch.
Feixi Technology chooses the path of humanoid technology and is committed to making robots work in a more humanized manner. Referring to human behavior, manual operations are often based on hand adjustment, supplemented by visual guidance. These inspirations from the human body are applied to the working forms of robots and corresponding product designs, thereby achieving more general intelligent robot products.
New product launch: product innovation of “arm”, “hand”, and “brain”
At this conference, the independently developed innovative product brought by Feixi Technology: the world’s first adaptive parallel robot – Xuanhui Moonlight. If the adaptive robot Liming Horizon series is compared to a “generalist”, then Xuanhui Robot is an “expert” in the field of segmentation.
From the perspective of market demand, in the context of high demand for force control and relatively low requirements for freedom, Xuanhui is a more cost-effective option.
First of all, Xuanhui integrates years of accumulated sensing and force control technology, combined with the optimization of parallel architecture, and can make real-time adjustments based on received force feedback. It has the same level of fine force control and stable anti-interference ability as the Rizon series of robots.
Secondly, it also has strong adaptability and wide applicability, which can automate complex force control tasks, quickly adapt to changes in the operating environment, and can be widely used in richer scenarios.
According to Li Xuesen, product director of Feixi Technology, Xuanhui has excellent performance in testing applications. Due to its high force control accuracy, Xuanhui has excellent performance in tightening screws, flexible loading and assembly, and surface grinding.
Xuanhui Adaptive Parallel Robot is expected to be launched in the third quarter of 2023.
In addition to the innovative product of robot “arm”, Feixi also brought a new independently developed “hand” – the Universal Force Control Robot Grav series, which has two versions: the standard Grav and the enhanced Grav enhanced.
In Feixi’s view, if a robot wants to achieve the delicate and flexible operation ability of a human hand, the robot arm itself is not complete, and it still needs to rely on “hand” innovation.
According to Li Wenbin, senior product manager of Feixi, Grav is a two-finger force controlled electric grip, while Grav enhancement is a combination of gecko materials, with two control modes: two-finger force control and ND enhanced passive adsorption.
By achieving ultimate force control performance and the use of bionic gecko materials, Grav can greatly expand the versatility of the gripper and adapt to as many machining objects and complex tasks as possible, which also provides more options for robotic engineering solutions.
The Grav series universal force controlled fixtures are expected to be launched in the second quarter of 2023.
With hands and arms, Feixi has also released a complete universal “brain” – QZ NOEMA system, including the QZ cloud platform, QZ edge system, and QZ edge controller. Users can easily develop AI models and manage the entire lifecycle of the solution, including data governance, model training, operator orchestration, solution deployment, maintenance, and debugging.
According to reports, AI Dome aims to create robot AI solution platform products, enable more industry ecological partners to use non overnight AI technology, expand the popularity of robot AI solutions, and improve the deployment efficiency of AI solutions.
The third-party platform of Qiongzhi Artificial Intelligence will be open for registration in June 2023.
Typical application: based on adaptive robots
After showcasing the latest product development of Feixi’s “arms”, “hands”, and “brains”, Feixi also took polishing and polishing as an example to illustrate the real demand pain points and application advantages that humanoid robot technology can handle in practical scenarios.
Grinding and polishing is an indispensable basic process in the manufacturing industry, and it is also difficult to achieve automation. Common pain points in the industry include high process difficulty, low versatility of most automation solutions, and a lack of highly reliable hardware equipment. Over the past few years, Feixi has proposed flexible and universal polishing solutions based on its self developed adaptive robots through a large number of customer needs and project practices.
Adaptive robots have dynamic performance such as surface tracking, trajectory learning, surface fitting, and force position composite control. They also have reliable anti-interference capabilities and more flexible spatial mobility capabilities, making them the core capabilities of adaptive robots to complete polishing tasks.
Zhong Shuyun, the chief roboticist of Feixi Technology, said that through a large number of research and development practices, polishing applications based on adaptive robots have many advantages. First, it can be applied to a wider range of requirements. Secondly, robots can achieve relatively ideal process quality and can be effectively tested and deployed. At the same time, since the adaptive robot itself is a force controlled robot with highly integrated software and hardware, this means that the non adaptive scheme does not require the installation of additional external sensors or floating grinding heads, reducing the loss of external equipment and maintenance costs, making the scheme more cost-effective.
Industry standard: China’s first adaptive robot innovation and development blue book released
In addition to focusing on independent research and development technology, Feixi hopes to contribute to the international influence and leading position of China’s intelligent manufacturing and related industry technical standards, and contribute to the strength of the enterprise. In this pre SS conference, Feixi, together with the Equipment Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, jointly released the first “Blue Book for the Innovation and Development of Adaptive Robots” (hereinafter referred to as “Blue Book”) in China. In the blue book, the concept, technical points, and global development pattern of adaptive robots are comprehensively described.
Zuo Shiquan, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Equipment Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, believes that intelligent, intelligent, flexible, and versatile adaptive robots will become the development direction of robots in the future. Highly compatible with the transformation needs of flexible manufacturing in manufacturing enterprises. Its rapid development and widespread application can further improve the quality and production efficiency of products in the manufacturing and segmented industries, greatly improve the ability to cope with production complexity, and also promote the development of the robot industry chain and the reconstruction of the international robot value chain.
For Feixi, it is hoped that through the release of the Blue Book, it will unite more relevant parties in the industrial chain, establish industry standards for the development of adaptive robot technology, and promote the development of adaptive robot technology in China.
Non site ecology: empowering ecological partners and promoting win-win results
Based on thinking about the industry’s pain points, Feixi also introduced the ecology of the adaptive robot industry.
In the robotics industry, there are often pain points such as difficulty in landing complex applications, long testing and deployment cycles, and difficulty in replicating business in batches. Combining its own advantages, Feixi introduced the core measures of ecological partnership at the press conference.
First, it creates an easy-to-use software platform and tools for users of adaptive robots. It includes the graphical task editing system Elements, the adaptive robot secondary development tool Flexiv RDK, and the general AI robot platform Kongzhi NOEMA.
The second is to create a good service experience for partners around the entire project cycle and overall business progress, including consulting services, technical support, digital asset management, training centers, etc.
Third, create a developer community – Flexiv Hub – to create a knowledge sharing platform.
Fourth, Feixi will be committed to promoting win-win business growth with ecological partners.
The conference also invited domestic and foreign non Xi ecological partners represented by Stanford University’s BDML Laboratory, Infinity, Toddco, Mirka China, Orange Automation, Tick tek, Shanghai Shiwu, Yingtai Xin, etc., who expressed high appreciation for non Xi’s cooperation.
Feixi Marketing Director Gao Yunfan stated at the conference that adaptive robots are new products driven by innovation. Feixi uses humanoid technology to expand the capabilities of robots and promote the landing of more new applications, thereby crowding out a broader blue ocean market. In this process, Feixi welcomes like-minded ecological partners, especially those who adhere to long-term principles and the same technological concepts, to join the Feixi ecosystem.