
“China’s per capita deposits” announced, what is the household deposit standard? Are you up to the mark?

Chinese people have a deep-rooted sense of “being prepared for danger in times of peace”. If they have a little money in their hands, they should first deposit it in the bank. Through the joint efforts of more than a billion people, China has become a world-renowned “saving country”.

1. Per capita deposits of Chinese residents
1. The per capita deposit is more than 80,000 yuan
According to relevant data, as of 2020, the balance of Chinese residents’ deposits will reach 87.8 trillion yuan, and the per capita deposit will be 62,700 yuan. In January, the balance of RMB deposits was 265.39 trillion yuan, and resident deposits increased by 6.2 trillion yuan. In January alone, deposits increased by more than 6 trillion yuan. It seems that people are really scared by the epidemic.

In addition, excluding various other deposits, my country’s national household balance as of January 2023 is 126.2 trillion yuan, and the per capita deposit is more than 80,000 yuan. From this point of view, it seems that it is easy to achieve a resident deposit of no more than 100,000 yuan, so have you met the standard?

2. Economic development does not mean high personal savings
According to the research of personnel in the relevant economic fields, due to the impact of lower income, the consumption expenditure of residents is in a state of decline, and to a certain extent, the expenditure on house purchases has been reduced. As a result, household savings will increase.

Take Guangdong Province, which has a very developed economy, as an example. As a large province with the largest population in the country, the total household deposits are 11.4 trillion yuan, ranking first in the country. However, the per capita deposit index of households in Guangdong Province is not the highest, ranking seventh among more than 20 provinces that have been made public, with a value of 90,100 yuan.

This is because Guangdong Province, as a large province, also suffers from polarization in regional economic development, and the economies of some extremely poor areas have lowered the province’s per capita savings.

3. Savings are not equal to personal wealth
In the current era of asset diversification, deposits are not an absolute measure of a person’s wealth. From an overall perspective, Beijing, as the capital, ranks first in per capita deposits at 267,800 yuan, and Shanghai ranks second at 211,600 yuan. Among them, Shanxi, which ranks fifth, has a per capita deposit of just under 100,000 yuan, which is 94,800 yuan.

It can be seen that in the current economic downturn, the growth of household deposits can not only increase the ability of residents to resist external risks, but also reflect the growth of residents’ disposable income from the side. But this phenomenon also means that residents’ concept of money has changed, and they tend to store money instead of additional consumption and investment.

Judging from the various situations that have emerged in the past three years of the epidemic, the repeated epidemics have caused restrictions on consumption places, reduced or unstable financial management income, reduced investment consumption, and deterioration of the income structure. These may be the reasons for people to increase their savings.

4. Current status of young people’s deposits
However, judging from the current salary level, even if young people have relatively low wages due to their lack of work experience, as long as they can work hard for a few years and will not spend unrestrainedly, they will have at least 10,000 to 20,000 yuan in their hands after a few years. A deposit of RMB is not difficult at all.

The actual situation is that many people have no savings at all, and they have not even reached the level of per capita savings, or even negative savings, and their lives are very anxious.

Many young people in their 20s and 25s have no concept of savings and like to spend. It may be normal for them to be unable to save money. However, according to a survey report by an organization, many people aged 30 to 35 have no savings. These people work longer hours, have higher work experience, and have relatively higher wages. Deposits, and why?

2. Reasons why individuals have no savings
1. Housing
Chinese people have a very strong family concept. In recent years, houses have been a necessity for starting a family. Many people gritted their teeth looking at the high housing prices and paid the down payment with the only ten thousand yuan in their hands. Under the circumstances of life, the “gold-swallowing beast” of the house sucks away most of the family’s savings.

Some people even take out a down payment to buy a house, and because they don’t have enough ability to repay, they owe a whole lot of debt. According to statistics for the first half of 2022, the national housing loan balance is 35.14 trillion yuan.

In the new year, it is estimated that the balance of my country’s housing loans may exceed 40 trillion yuan. These tens of trillions of loans, calculated based on the interest on bank mortgages, can earn about 2 trillion yuan a year from interest.

With the rising housing prices and the superposition of various economic debts, many people seem to have a lot of savings, but in fact they have very little funds that can be used freely.

2. Credit card
Today’s young people are brainwashed by capital advertisements and have a strong desire to compare, and gradually develop the habit of ahead of consumption. Among them, college students do not have wages to support consumption. In order to make up for the holes in credit cards, some even have dozens of credit cards. Basically all banks have them.

According to the “Overall Status of the Payment System Operation in the Second Quarter of 2022” released by the central bank, the total amount of bank card credit in the second quarter of 2022 reached 13.98 trillion yuan, and this figure is in a state of continuous growth.

Among them, with the increase of the credit limit, the overdue credit card limit is also increasing. Also in the second quarter, the total amount of unpaid credit card overdue for more than half a year reached 75.667 billion yuan, which was the highest in historical data.

3. Online loan
It is also a “vampire”. Relying on the ultra-low threshold for processing, online loans have gradually replaced credit cards and become the first choice for young people to support advanced consumption.

At the same time, this makes many young people run around all year round. It is not enough to pay off their credit cards.

According to the “2022 Young People’s Consumer Life Report” officially released by Huabei, among the nearly 170 million post-90s in the country, more than 45 million people have opened Huabei, which is equivalent to one in every 3.6 post-90s.

In addition to Huabei, there are also various online loan platforms such as Zaibai. Obviously, the data of Huabei is only the tip of the iceberg. This causes people to make a little money and use it to pay back the money. If things go on like this, they will not be able to save money at all.

what is the household deposit standard? Are you up to the mark?

Reaching the standard of per capita savings cannot truly reflect a person’s specific wealth status. Only a person’s ability to create wealth is the standard for measuring personal future savings, and can bring oneself a sense of financial security.