
Automotive electronic products also face higher requirements for functional safety and information security

The electronization of automobiles has become an important technical measure to develop new models and improve the performance of automobiles under the trend of intellectualization, networking and electrification, and to promote the gradual transformation of automobiles from simple means of transportation to intelligent mobile space, with functions such as mobile office, mobile home, entertainment, digital consumption, public services, etc. Automotive electronics have stricter requirements for product quality. With the gradual increase of the types and complexity of automobile electronic products, the trend of systematization and modularization of automobile electronic products is increasingly obvious. Compared with consumer electronics, automotive electronics is related to the driving safety of automobiles. At the same time, it faces a more stringent use environment, and has more stringent requirements for product quality. With the promotion and application of intelligent networked vehicles, automotive electronic products are also facing higher requirements for functional safety and information security.
The global automotive market has experienced ups and downs in the past few years, presenting a multipolar development trend. However, in general, the focus of the automotive industry is shifting from traditional production countries to emerging markets, with the proportion of sales in emerging markets increasing year by year. The rational choice of consumers in the new economic situation has consolidated the mainstream market position of low energy consumption and low emission economic vehicles. With the application and development of new automotive electronics technologies, the global automotive electronics industry structure is also constantly adjusting, and the automotive electronics industry chain presents a diversified development trend. Some large first-class component suppliers, such as Bosch and Delphi, have begun to enter the embedded system development and MCU/ECU module development, directly forming the automotive electronics business field, forming a new industrial chain structure and competitive advantage. Semiconductor manufacturers such as Freescale have formed a new technology market intervention model by directly cooperating with vehicle manufacturers such as General Motors or providing a complete set of automotive electronic solutions.
After the rapid growth of China’s auto sales, the current total sales have stabilized. With the rapid development of the national economy and the combination of national measures to promote the development of the automobile industry and encourage automobile consumption, the problem of lack of cores has been gradually alleviated, and the domestic automobile sales have rebounded for five consecutive months on a month-on-month basis. Although China’s total automobile sales tend to stagnate, the sales of new energy vehicles are still growing rapidly. Under the dual impetus of policy and market, new energy vehicles represented by electric vehicles will be an important direction of the development of the automotive industry in the future.
Automotive electronics is an important part of the automotive industry, which provides important support for the healthy development of the industry. It is a national priority and key support industry. It is also affected by the laws, regulations and industrial policies of the software and information service industry and the automotive industry. In recent years, the automotive electronic technology has developed rapidly and the product categories have been constantly enriched. Technological upgrading has promoted the development of the automobile industry towards intelligence and automation. The improvement of the vehicle performance depends on the continuous innovation of the automotive electronic technology. In recent years, the automotive electronic technology has developed rapidly and the product categories have been constantly enriched.https://store.stoneitech.com/
Intelligence, networking and electrification have become the development trend and trend of the automobile industry, leading the vigorous development of the automobile electronics industry. From the perspective of endogenous power, the new round of scientific and technological revolution, especially the rapid development of electric drive related technology, artificial intelligence technology and Internet technology, is providing strong technical support for the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry. From the demand side, as consumers’ demand for safety, comfort, economic stability, entertainment interaction and other aspects increases, consumers’ demand for intelligent automotive products has increased significantly, driving cars to continue to develop in the direction of electrification, intelligence and networking, and the proportion of automotive electronics in the whole vehicle will be higher and higher.
The prospect of automobile electronics is broad, and its proportion in the total vehicle cost is gradually increasing. Driven by the trend of automobile electrification, intellectualization and networking, the value of electronic components of single car has been improved, and the field of automobile electronics has also been expanded. Now, the level of automobile electronics has become an important indicator of the comprehensive performance and technical level of automobiles. The production of foreign automobile electronics products is mainly concentrated in several major automobile electronics companies, The market size of automobile electronics is closely related to the production and sales scale of automobiles. In the next six years, with the global economy recovering slowly, the scale of automobile production and sales will grow steadily. The market size will reach 355 billion US dollars by 2023. With the increasing level of automotive electronics and the increase of the cost of single car electronics, the scale of the automotive electronics market has risen rapidly. With the increasing demand for automobile safety, comfort and intelligence, electronic, information, networking and intelligence have become the development direction of automobile technology.