Science Technology

ASML blocks the way of EUV lithography machine, but domestic lithography machine has three new directions

As we all know, at present, only ASML can produce EUV lithography machines in the world. It can even be said that for a long time, only ASML can produce lithography machines in the world, and there will be no second one.
The reason is that ASML has blocked the path of the EUV lithography machine, which is not accessible to others.
ASML has formed a binding relationship with many supply chains around the world. For example, ZEISS and ASML have formed a community of interests. Among the EUV lithography machines, ZEISS and other manufacturers are crucial to master the core technology. Without these supply chains, other manufacturers cannot manufacture EUV lithography machines.
ASML blocks the way of EUV lithography machine, but domestic lithography machine has three new directions
Therefore, at present, many other lithography enterprises do not intend to follow the path of EUV lithography, but seek another way.
Similarly, domestic photolithographs are basically unable to follow the path of EUV, and can only find another way. From the current situation, there are three ways in the mainstream, which can achieve the effect of EUV photolithographs.
The first way is electron beam lithography, which uses an electron beam to carve on a silicon wafer.
The advantages of this path are fine, high resolution, and higher than EUV lithography machine. The American company Zyvex Labs has produced such lithography machine to achieve the lithography of 0.768nm chips, but the disadvantages are low productivity, low efficiency, and can not mass produce chips, which can only be used in laboratories, but it is also a new path.
ASML blocks the way of EUV lithography machine, but domestic lithography machine has three new directions
The second way is nanoimprinting, also known as NIL technology. The principle is that after the circuit diagram is designed, it is engraved on the nanoboard, and then stamped on the silicon chip like a book.
This has many advantages. For example, the power is much lower than the EUV lithography machine. An EUV lithography machine uses 10 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a year. However, this NIL technology reduces energy consumption by 90%, and the manufacturing cost is 40% lower than the EUV lithography machine.
The disadvantage is that the current accuracy is not enough, far below the level of 7nm and 5nm, and is still at 28-40nm and above. However, after the future accuracy is improved, it is completely feasible to replace EUV.
ASML blocks the way of EUV lithography machine, but domestic lithography machine has three new directions
Another is self-assembly (DSA) lithography, which is more magical. It is to use some chemical materials directly on the silicon wafer, manipulate these materials, and depict the circuit diagram of the chip, for example, the unwanted parts are corroded by materials
But at present, there is far from the hope of mass production of this technology. It is hard to find this magic chemical material, but the United States, Europe and other laboratories are said to have made progress, but it will certainly not work in a short time, and can only be seen in science fiction.
ASML blocks the way of EUV lithography machine, but domestic lithography machine has three new directions
It is obvious that the most reliable technology at present is the NIL nano-imprint technology, which has the possibility of replacing the EUV lithography machine. At present, this technology is also being studied in China.
However, the best research is Canon of Japan. Canon has the most patents in NIL technology in the world, and has mass production machines. At present, it is improving the accuracy. I hope that domestic refueling can also quickly launch NIL lithography machine, so that our chips are not afraid of being stuck.