Science Technology

| Industry | Digital power industry, focusing on new power system

To achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, energy is the main battlefield and electricity is the main force.
With the construction of new energy in full swing, the construction of new power system is imminent.
Author | Fang Wen
Picture source | Network
The core of [dual carbon] is energy transformation
The data shows that energy combustion is the main source of carbon dioxide emissions in China, accounting for about 88% of the total carbon dioxide emissions, and the electricity industry accounts for about 41% of the energy industry emissions.
Therefore, emission reduction in the power industry is the top priority.
At present, the development of new energy is the core means of emission reduction in China’s power industry.
However, it should be noted that the proportion of new energy power generation in China has exceeded 40% of the total power generation, while the proportion of new energy power connected to the grid is only 20%.
After the formation of the real new power system in the future, it needs to be dominated by digitalization. So the first thing we should do now is digital transformation.
The construction of new power system under new energy is imminent
Under the goal of “double carbon”, the power industry is changing the power structure of high carbon energy based on coal to low carbon energy structure based on clean energy such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation.
New energy power generation has the characteristics of randomness, volatility and intermittency. After large-scale development and grid connection, it will affect the balance regulation of the existing power system and the stable operation of the grid.
The power system will play an important role in the [dual carbon] transformation, which is mainly reflected in the improvement of the proportion of electric energy to terminal energy consumption and the construction of new power systems.
According to the “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan” for Modern Energy System, by 2025, the proportion of non-fossil energy power generation will reach about 39%, and the proportion of electric energy to terminal energy consumption will reach about 30%. In the future, there will be more power users and port access.
In the new power system with wind power and photovoltaic as the main power generation modes, the space-time mismatch problem will lead to the imbalance between the supply and demand of power generation and consumption side.
The operation of the new power system will also change from the source load real-time balance mode of [source follows load] and the integrated operation control mode of large power grid to the incomplete source load real-time balance mode of [source network load storage interaction] and the control mode of coordinated operation of large power grid and microgrid.
In this case, digital empowerment will become a prominent feature of the new power system, and digital power grid is the best form to carry the new power system.
In the process of transformation of electric power enterprises to comprehensive energy services, data mining with the help of digital technology applications can better integrate decentralized energy and differentiated demand.
Promote the efficient integration of energy flow, information flow and data flow, and the interconnection between different energy categories, and promote the conversion of energy supply from [flat] single energy supply to [three-dimensional] comprehensive energy supply.
The marketization of electricity in China is gradually liberalized, and the market may promote the development of new energy after the subsidy is refunded.
According to data, in 2021, China’s electricity market will trade 3778.7 billion kilowatt-hours, accounting for 45.5% of the total social electricity consumption.
The market size of China’s power digital core software and services will be 41.4 billion yuan in 2021, with a compound growth rate of 19.3% from 2021 to 2025. It is estimated that the market size will reach 83.9 billion yuan in 2025.
Three development stages of digital transformation in power industry
Phase I: data connection
Take the State Grid of China as an example. Its business departments are managed vertically. Marketing, dispatching, customer service and other business departments manage their own data centers. There are business barriers between each other. But the most difficult thing for the data to connect is to break the business barriers.
Phase II: data operation
With data becoming a factor of production, such as massive power consumption data and equipment data in the power industry can be transformed into data assets.
The third stage: digital drive
The new power system needs to establish a powerful digital platform to support the operation and management of the new power system in the aspects of information acquisition perception, computing ability support, automatic control and intelligent operation, so as to ensure that the new power system can face challenges and operate, manage and control reliably.
End: This year should be the first year of digital transformation in the power industry
Although many electric power enterprises have been engaged in digital transformation before, they are basically tentative exploration at the technical level, and few enterprises have really achieved effective transformation success.
From the end of 2021 to the present, the “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan” of the power industry has been released one after another, and the words of industry, industry, data, platform, ecology, partners and other related digital transformation are all reflected in it.
The digital transformation of the power industry is promoted and implemented in the form of enterprise strategic development planning, which has risen from the technical level to the strategic level of organizational security, business form, operation mode and thinking concept.
From a certain point of view, the digital transformation of the power industry has the source power of strategic development goals driven by business factors, which marks the official opening of a new round of digital transformation and upgrading construction in the power industry.
Part of the data refer to: 2022 China’s Electric Power Industry Digital Research Report, A Zi Guangnian: Electric Power Digital Reform, Big B is not Product Logic, Northeast Securities: New Energy Prosperity Drives 300 Billion Investment Space